Friday, January 25, 2008

Be Careful Little Eyes

It is obvious that God made us all different for a reason, and I'd never question Him in that. Each person in the body of Christ has different strengths. I have people all the time see things that I don't and get me back on track...although sometimes I don't see until I learn the hard way.

I guess sometimes, in a way, I just wish we all saw things the same way. I mean, don't freak out and start listing the negatives to that. I know them all, but I just mean sometimes i just wish that. We could all just get along. We would be strong about the same things and get hurt byt the same things, but we wouldn't know any different because we'd all be living in ignorant bliss.

The mistakes that you make, everyone would make and we'd all just live with the same consequences. The mistakes you would see someone about to make, they would see too and not make them. We wouldn't improve or grow, but we wouldn't know the difference...

Just a place I'd like to be sometimes...


Summer said...

Ignorant bliss, yes sometimes I wish I could be there too. Life would be much easier if we didn't have to see others suffer and there were no consequences...maybe we should wish for a world where people did not make mistakes at all. Though, I more often wish that people would just see things the way I see them. and that's wrong too. I have to wonder about the pretext of this blog......hmmmmmmmm

Unknown said...

We just all have different things that we're blind to or fall for, and it's just included. Yeah, I too wish I people could just see them the way I do, but I know I'm not perfect either and that would only go so far before that was a mistake too. Hard to find the balance between what God wants you to do and just leaving it in his hands, but sometimes you feel like the only way you could really just leave it in his hands would be if you weren't here.

I totally believe that the story of Larazus and the rich man was not parable (for one, no one was even named in the parables, but that's all another discussion). Anyway, the rich man asked if Lazarus could touch his tongue with water or if he could go back and warn people. Lazarus on the other hand, didn't see any of the suffering going on--in hell or on earth--because there is no sorrow in heaven--right? Anyway, point is it's hard to leave it in God's hands until you're there with him in heavenly bliss since you can't really have the ignorant bliss here.

Summer said...

I think frustration among true Christians abounds these days. We are seeing where people fail, but it seems as if there is nothing we can do about it. We can't reach in and safe/change someone who doesn't want to be saved/changed. And as well we are still failing in areas ourselves. And yeah, I think we do get in God's way and sometimes in order to leave it in his hands we do have to move. That's how it was with Graham. I didn't literally "move" but I had to stop trying to fix the situation myself. Anyway, I had to go read that Lazarun story. very interesting.

Unknown said...

Well, it's just scary where one wrong decision can lead you. It makes me worry about each thing I do...which worry itself is a sin, so I don't guess I'm helping anything with that. I know I can't do any good for the Lord in a bubble, but sometimes I wish I could retreat to one for periods of time and bring certain people with me that need it at the time.

Yeah, and the Lazarus story, well, you have to figure that there has to be some safeguard up if there's no sorrow in heaven. They always say "so-and-so is looking down on us," but if they were, they would see all the bad we do to ourselves and be sorrowful, right? Well, I just figure they can't see us. And if this is a true story, then it kind of sounds that way.

In spite of that, as weird as it may sound, I always think of Isha's dad as watching me. idk, it keeps me in check as to how I treat her and what I do away from her. I guess since I had to get his permission to marry her in the first place and I wanted him to know I would take care of her. Yeah, creepy, and it contradicts my other theory, but it works nonetheless...