Friday, September 28, 2007

Think about what you think about

Last night, I watched the movie "Click" with Isha, we had our devotional together, and then stumbled onto this quote from one of her old blogs:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!

Our devotional (Joyce Meyer: Battlefield of the Mind Devotional: 100 Insights That Will Change the Way You Think) was all about how your thoughts determine your future and how bad thoughts can lead to failures and misery. And, of course, "Click" is a comedy about a guy that focuses on the wrong things and misses life because of it. This is an area that I sometimes struggle with. I can be very pessimistic and I tend to be miserable with defeat to the point that i'm only slightly satisfied with victory or success. When things go bad, I'm miserable, and when they go good I barely enjoy it.

I love the life that God has given me. I never know what direction it will go, but I don't want to worry about the future at the cost of enjoying the now.

I love my kids, and I am tore up that they are nearly halfway through their time at home and well into the age of remembering everything from that goes on. They can both be difficult at times, but I am so selfish with my time and energy around the house. tonight, we are having family time instead of going to the varsity game. I hope this is the beginning of a better relationship for us as a family.

I love my wife. She is the greatest...people see it, but I've got the best seat in the house, so no one knows like I do. I fail her all the time. I am so ready to take on anything God has for me with her by my side. I can only be happy when she's happy, and I can't help but be sad when she's sad. I can't sleep without her foot touching my leg...seriously. I just wish in my successful quest to find the perfect wife, I'd have spent more time preparing to be the kind of husband that wife needed.

My family is a constant reminder that my relationship to God must stay firm. I cannot be what they need without Him, and every shortcoming in my attempt to be a good father and husband is when I try to do it on my own.

Okay, that wasn't even what I began to blog about, but guess I needed to get that out too. Anyway, I want God to control my thoughts and desires. When I think I'm unhappy, I think I need something more. When that happens I feed a desire for more than what God has for me and has given me. My life is not perfect, but it is perfectly covered in His grace, so I need to quit worrying about every little imperfection and live for Him. My desire is to take care of what God has blessed me with and seek His will for my life--and the lives of my family that He has entrusted to me.

I hope anyone that reads this that finds themselves unhappy can know that true happiness is found only in the will of God, and that will is found through prayer, His Word, church, and godly wisdom from those you know can serve as a mouthpiece of God to you. And don't let Satan, that sorry thief, rob you of the life God promises by putting lies, worries, and hurts into your thoughts!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the FULL." - John 10:10


Summer said...

Do you ever just stop and think about what you're thinking about and think man I need to stop thinking about what I'm thinking about? Idk what do you think? ok ok. Anyway this is an almost "psychological" issue you know. There is a whole theory of psychology based on how your thoughtlife determines who you are. So powerful are our minds. In fact last semester I had to read a whole book (written by the prof of the class of course) about just this subject of taking your thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:4-6) I love Joyce Meyer and Click I love too. Though I don't know about mixing Joyce Meyer with Adam Sandler....just a thought.