Tuesday, September 04, 2007

the blame game

It would be easy to think Joseph could sit back and blame so many things for the problems he had. I mean, his brothers plotted to kill him and sold him as a slave. He works his way back into prominence and his boss's wife lies and accuses him of sexually attacking her. Then, the guy in prison with him forgot his promise to him for a long time. Yes, he finally got through all that and had a happy ending. However, something I think we need to figure with this story is that, like all men, Joseph was not without sin. We don't have the details, but we can see that perhaps some of his problem was arrogance. Although things happened to him that he did not deserve, perhaps his arrogance was something that fueled those who went against him.

In all, what I'm saying is that there will always be things that happen to us that is not a direct result of our own sin, but that does not give us the right to blame anyone. Our sin is the root reason for our suffering and even others at time. God is in control and has the authority and power to protect us from consequences of sin...whether our sins or someone else's. So, if you feel like you are suffering from a consequence of someone else's sin, know that God is in control and your suffering is either ultimately a result of your own sin or a test of fire by which he wants to make you stronger. Either way, you miss the point playing the blame game.

Get up, be strong, pray for the answer, garner support from your Christian brothers and sisters (support, not sympathy), and find His purpose in it all. We are living in enemy territory in this spiritual battle and must be prepared for suffering. Suffering only equals defeat if we let it. Although I hate this world, I love my life and the things in it God has entrusted to me. I can only hope I honor Him in how I manage it. Fall in love with the life God has given you, invest in those around you, and live it in a way to later on present it to him as a gift.