Friday, September 21, 2007

Frappuccino Delivery

ok, i usually handle situations pretty good and can think quick on my feet, but sometimes i have a real bonehead day and it is usually when the city-boy comes out in me really bad. i have very little country sense--mechanics, being handy, etc. well, i was in wichita yesterday and decided i would swing by starbucks and surprise isha by bringing her a frappuccino...i had them double cup it because i knew i had about a 25 minute drive back to her.

well, i get about 8 miles from archer city and the road is shut down because of a wreck. they say its going to be about an hour. well, i'm sitting there with a cold frappuccino that needed to be delivered quickly, so i turn around and begin to look for a short cut around it. i get on a dirt road and figure as long as i keep turning left i'll eventually get back to the highway or to archer. well, i hit a familiar dirt road and think, great i know this goes there. but, i came to a fork in the dirt road. i took the left fork because, again, i'm trying to keep going south. the roads were pretty muddy, and i've let my back tires get pretty bald. so, as i came up to large stretches of mud and water, i had to drive faster to make it through it. the road i was going down began to get smaller and appear less traveled. i began to worry that i needed to go back. however, i had gone through so many mud holes and long stretches of mud that i wanted to keep going and hope this small road hit the highway at some point. finally, the road almost disappeared and i knew i had to turn around. i tried to find the largest dry area i could to turn around. well, it didn't matter because sure enough i got stuck. as i tried to get out, my truck began to overheat and i stopped. my belt had broken. this was bad news as i knew enough to know this was the only belt and it ran everything so there was nothing to keep the water pump running to cool now.

i climbed out and looked around to try to see where i was. yeah, i had no idea and the lack of tracks on the scarce road let me know help wouldn't be by anytime soon. i could see some powerlines, across the field, so i thought the highway might be close. i looked and saw the top of a rest area that i knew was only a couple of miles from archer, so i started walking down the road further to see if it hit the highway soon. about a mile down, the road was so muddy, i knew i couldn't get through, so i went back to see if the truck had cooled. it had, so i dug out under the tires and put some limbs i had broken off a tree to give me traction. did i mention i'm in jeans and flip flops? yeah, perfect. well, i got the truck out, and stopped for a minute because it was already really hot again. i knew i was going to have to drive fast through the muddy areas again to make out, and that would heat the truck up pretty bad. i started out and nearly got stuck several more times, but finally made it past the mud and to the original fork. i sat and let the truck cool again and started out from there. where i finally hit the highway was about 15 miles from archer, but i left the hood cracked open and the air kept the engine cool until i got to town...exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes after i turned around at the wreck.

yeah, i don't deserve a truck...i should be driving a dodge stratus...oh, and what about the frappuccino? i had poured it on the engine to help cool it off...