Monday, June 02, 2008

The Scream...The Cry

Ok, we did a GTIME on this last Sunday morning to show everyone what we do on Wednesday nights with the kids. Everything started out fine. I had planned to do the normal 30 minutes that we do. With our other normal stuff and a few other special things, that would take up the entire service.

We started out with a piano special, our semi-annual baby dedication, a scripture reciting, and recognizing our graduation seniors. We had the welcome, announcements, and I took over. The first thing I had planned was a skit/game. I had 3 "contestants". They left the room while I quickly set up the stage. I put different kids of balls under cloths. The catch is that the 4th of the 5 cloths actual sat over a hole in the table with a guy's head sticking up through it. It looked just like one of the other balls. The contestants are told that they are being timed to see how long it takes to go by one at a time, yank the cloth off, and yell out what kind of ball it is. When they get to the head, they, of course, jump and get scared. Well, the first contestant goes through calling out the balls and then she gets to the guy's head. Ya, she screamed a really long time...and then started crying really front of the whole church! I felt like crap, but what can you do at that point? I've seen this trick done 4 or 5 times, and no one has ever cried, and everyone afterwards said she was just the type they would have picked as well. Dang, though... And that was my first game to ever go bad, and it was in front of the whole freakin' church...

Well, the next one was an adult lady (that was funny), and then the last one came in. Well, the last one was the head guy's daughter. He was already to scare her bad, but what he didn't know was that we had already told her what the trip was. We had als placed in her hand a whipped cream pie, so you can guess the rest.

Then, we did about three songs and had the lesson, and concluded with a pizza party in the fellowship hall and a drawing for prizes that included a webkinz, an mp3 player, and a $50 gift card to Toys-R-Us. Pretty good otherwise...