Thursday, June 05, 2008

Brag Time

It was awards day for the last day of school. Here's the kids with their awards.
Drew received awards for both VIP citizenship and for making the 'A' Honor Roll for the entire year. I did always make the 'A' honor roll in elementary, but school isn't like it was when I was a kid. They learn so much so fast and have to prepare for so many state tests. He kind of got jipped on an AR Award. Last year, he got an award for getting the most AR points in his grade based on the number of books read x your score on tests on those books. This year, they gave them based on the number of words read, so some kids read longer books and beat him out. Believe me, if he'd known what it took, he'd have won because he was through all the levels that a 2nd grader can get to by Christmas.
Alisha received both the VIP citizenship award and the 'A' honor roll as well. She also got an AR award...aggrevating her brother even more as she read only long books, but didn't accumulate near the points he did. She also got an award for finishing 5th place in her grade in an Oregon Trail tournament (one of only 11 that got them there alive). I must confess, even in high school, I don't think I ever got those folks there alive.

I must say that I am very proud of them. They did this on their own because I know I haven't been giving them the kind of support they need. I watched as many very smart kids only made the A-B honor roll, and I looked and knew that nearly every kid that made the A honor outside of them had more parental support and attention than we have been giving them. They are God's gift to me, and I thank him for watching over them and protecting them...even excelling them through all of our hard times. To borrow from Shelly T's blog, they managed to "dance in rain in the midst of our storm."


D-Siz said...

That's awesome! My kid's school did AR awards based on points. Pretty simple approach 50, 100 and 200 Point Word Club. Caleb made the 100 point word club.

He also made the A-Honor Roll.
100pt word club = award
Making A's = Trophy
Not following in his dad's acedemic footsteps = priceless

Unknown said...

LOL...that's great. Ya, normal books are .5 pts and the smaller chapter books start at 1 pt., so he read three .5 a day and a 1 or 2 pt. book over the weekend...finished first with over 160 pts on the year and at the highest level of anyone, but so it goes...I'll reward him just the same. I'm glad my kids are so outdoing me in academics and athletics...

ishadohn said...

I love that you put this on here! I am so proud of the kids too! Glad they take after their I know they are glad schools out for the summer too though lol They Rock. thats all I gotta say about that.

Unknown said...

Alexia...ur crackin me up...I see you started ur own blog, and it says "sometimes you just need to write it down for it to make sense..." yet you have no!

Summer said...

Way to go Brooks! And what the heck is the Oregon Trail tournament? I think I missed that one in school. And I like how you threw in that you made the 'A' honor roll in elementary. lol

D-Siz said...

"The Oregon Trail is an educational computer game inspired by the real-life Oregon Trail and was designed to teach school children about the realities of 19th century pioneer life on the trail. The player assumes the role of a wagon leader guiding his party of settlers from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon's Willamette Valley by way of the Oregon Trail via a Conestoga wagon in 1848."

I never had much interest in the game and my clan would usually die soon after we set off.

Unknown said...

Ya...stinkin' Indians would get me or I'd head some direction that let everyone starve to death. I even remember the scene on the old pre-windows computers just using DOS that showed your wagons lookin' all abandoned and bones layin' around everywhere.