Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Day at the Pool

Well, unlike most days where I just send the kids to the pool, I had to go with them yesterday. You have to be 8 to go by yourself, and their cousins were with of which is 6. I was reminded right away what I was getting into as Alisha says, "You're going? I thought you said it was only for moms?" Exactly...

And, yes, I was the only dad there...everyone else was a mom or teenage girl babysitter...ugh! So, I found a private corner in the shade away from everyone (most lay out and take in the sun). I had a couple of diet drinks in the cooler, an NFL magazine, a pen to take fantasy football notes, and a book I was given some time back and had never read. I began my four hours of nothingness with my magazine, and then started in on the book.

The book is "Life Wide Open" by David Jeremiah. Although not really deep, it is just the thing to get you headin' in the right direction, excited about what you do in life, and ready to seek exactly what God has for you...and it lends itself to plenty of discussion on families, marriage, work, etc. It may get deeper...I'm only a third of the way through it. I was looking for a book to do a study on for a men's Bible study on Sunday nights at my house. Call it self-serving if you will, but most men skip Sunday night studies because of football. The Cowboys play a lot of late afternoon games that don't end until 6:15 or 6:30. I would love to have this study where they can show up at my house at the start of the 4th quarter (or earlier if they want...not like I'm gonna be doing anything else but watching it anyway), and we start our study as soon as the game is over. This gives us an automatic "ice-breaker" every week and allows people to invite other Cowboy fans to join us. Also, the regular football season is exactly 17 weeks, and this book is...17 chapters. If the Cowboys play earlier, we'll just catch another late game. If they play at 7:30, then we'll do the study and move into our normal practice of watchin' the Cowboy primetime games as a group anyway.

So, my time at the pool wasn't totally worthless, but it didn't get the house cleaned, laundry done, or dinner fixed. Maybe it was God's way of sitting me down for a little while though just to do some reading. Also, I did get to visit with several kids about church and had a couple of new ones sign up for camp this summer. ...and maybe God has rewarded me with my list of 6 possible sleepers to pick in my upcoming fantasy football draft.


ishadohn said...

Well as the wife of a "busy" man... I think it's good that you had an afternoon where you HAD to sit at the pool and HAD to do nothingness. lol It's good for you honey and you need it...I love you! You're the Best Babe.

Wendy said...

Cool idea to get the guys involved on Sunday nights. Hope it works out-way to think outside the box a bit.