Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Random Things That Pop in My Head

I'm quite the thinker and I can't really just veg out often because I'm always thinking about something I need to be doing or planning or whatever. But from time to time these random things just pop in my head and I don't know why (in random order):

How a memory has been blocked in my mind from 6th grade...I was accused of taking a dollar, and I honestly can't remember if I did or not...then, I think I replaced it, but I can't remember that for sure either...just bugs me because I usually remember everything

Isha's blond fro she had when I met her that bobbed around when she laughed

The song, "Islands in the Stream"

A girl's phone number I liked in 3rd grade...592-9896...I never even called it

Picturing myself randomly punching someone in the face

Plays from a Kansas City Chiefs-Houston Oilers playoff game in 1994 including a touchdown pass Joe Montana threw to Tamarick Vanover in the win over Buddy Ryan's defense. Vanover spiked the ball in a huge realistic drawing of Buddy Ryan's face on a banner a fan had hanging on the sideline...the Chiefs came back from a 7-13 defecit in the 4th quarter to win 28-20...Montana's second consecutive comeback in as many weeks during those playoffs. This was my favorite non-Super Bowl game. He got a concussion and lost to the Bills in the next game, but then the Cowboys took care of them in the Super Bowl.

Picturing myself eating a small moist loaf of bread...and then my mouth begins to water

Car jumping scenes from the original series, "The Dukes of Hazzard" as I'm driving and picturing myself doing it

Another random thought not related to this list: That I used to think about soft serve ice cream when I saw something gross or smelled something really bad to keep me from gaggin'. I mean soft white creamy cold ice cream is the opposite of warm yellow-brown chunky stinky puke, right? Well, that all got ruined on a ski trip a few years ago when a kid had a soft serve ice cream cone and then chucked it on the floor right beside my driver's seat.


ishadohn said...

yeah I remember the "Ice-cream" puke. NIce.

ishadohn said...

yeah I remember the "Ice-cream" puke. NIce.

Jennifer said...

The Dukes jump wasn't just a random thought with Joey...I think it's a dream! Islands in the Stream...hey I remember that was a cool song then.

Summer said...

Is it the song "Islands in the Stream" that pops into your head, or Dolly Parton?
I'm laughing at you randomly punching someone in the face.
And I'm pretty sure I read something in my psychology books about people who picture theirselves eating a small moist loaf of bread. Very strange indeed.

Thanks for the laugh, and for the record, I think you probably took the dollar.

Unknown said...

Yeah, well I'm not a Dolly kind of guy and I even often have to stop and think who sings it...I was more of a Crystal Gayle guy...idk why...and for the record, I don't think I took the faintest memory of it is that we were at someone's house and the younger kid said I did the last time we (my parents and I) were there. I think I panicked and got one of my own and pretended to find it behind the dresser. I'm sure I wasn't that smooth at it and that they really believed I took it...the kid said I grabbed it out of his hand and said 'thanks', so I was just afraid I kept it without meaning to, if I did at all. But, strangely, I don't remember for sure if I kept it and I'm not even sure that I replaced it or if I just thought about doing it. But I remember things from about age 4 on and several things from even 2 and 3 yrs old, so I'm just puzzled at the vagueness of this memory. But, thanks for the input into my psyche.

Unknown said...

On that your studies, could that me a sign of a repressed memory...and for future reference, can repressed memory be induced? lol...