Monday, March 31, 2008

Valentine's Dance Party

While Isha and I went out to eat on the Friday after Valentine's Day, the kids stayed out the house and turned the Breakfast room into a dance floor. When we returned, we dressed up and "got down"!

Monday, March 24, 2008

pops & dinks of spring

Spring is here and the outside items that have neglected all winter are screaming my name. I don't consider it spring or plan any spring work until I've had a little spring fun. We went camping last weekend and it was pretty chilly, so I don't know if that counts or not. But, I definitely need to get a few things planted out front, start the lawn work, and make plans to paint the house--YUCK!

The sound of spring is accented with the pops of a ball landing in a glove and the dinks of the bats hitting the ball. I have never been much of a baseball fan, but I'm becoming more of one. For one thing, I don't have to coach it, so I get to actually sit in the stands or dugout and just enjoy it. Also, it is usually pretty nice weather. Drew is moving up a year early to kid-pitch baseball, and coming off his broken collarbone, we'll have to see how that works out. But the team wanted him to move up to the 3rd/4th grade division to play with them, so he's doing it. He has a tournament starting this weekend, although he is currently limited to playing outfield and no batting in the game to avoid contact to his shoulder for a couple of more weeks. he's got regular season games beginning the week of April 7 through the first week of June. Alisha is playing softball for the first time, and I haven't gotten her schedule yet, but I'm sure the combination of the two is going to make the rest of the school year crazy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Video

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Getting Lost in Lost

I began watching the show Lost a few years ago when the show started. But, my crazy schedule with ball practices and church and such kept me from continuing past the first few episodes. It was before my DVR days, so I just let it go without much thought but that I knew I was missing a good one. Well, after hearing more and more people rave about it and knowing people who had actually owned it on DVD, I decided I would get it that way and begin watching it. Well, Isha and I got it Saturday evening. We were preparing for company the next day for lunch after church, so we settled in about 9:30 to watch an episode or two. The season is 7 disks of 4 episodes each. They are about 3 hours per disk with a 3 1/2 disk 7...I'm assuming a 2-hr season finale or just a 25th episode. Well, we got sucked in so quick. We moved the 50" TV to the bedroom and we spent the weekend in bed watching Lost and eating too much. We watched 4 episodes Saturday night 9:30-12:30. When the company was gone and cleaned up after on Sunday, we settled in for 4 more episodes 2:30-5:30 p.m. before church. We went to church and came home in time to catch another showing of 4 episodes 8:30-11:30. Monday was a busy day of errands and appointments in Wichita, but we returned and fit in 8 episodes from 7:30 till about 2 a.m. We have only disk 7 left to finish this season, and probably on the brink of bed sores. And my gosh people, you watch another episode to get answers, and they only present more questions!

Anyway, I knew it was a good one when I first saw it, but didn't have the means to keep it going. But now, we defintely are sucked in and will be going through it all to catch up. Hopefully, we can pace ourselves a little better

Friday, March 07, 2008

Pig Pens, Video Games, and Direction

This is a nice illustration of us trying to fix a problem without God. Reading Psalm 23, I realize how poorly things go that I try to handle on my own in the "valley". They don't make a video game (that I know of) where you are in a spiritual battle and have God as one of your weapons. It wouldn't make sense because you would stand no chance of winning without him and be guaranteed to defeat the enemy with him, so what would be the point of playing? Well, maybe we should sit down and play it everytime we think we can do it without him, huh?...and realize how much we need him.

Here's a question for thought? Would you rather your life be good or appear good? I think most people would honestly say they want it to be good even though not all of our actions always show that, but here's another question: Would you rather your life be good and not know where it's going or be rough and heading in the right direction? Be careful...that's not as easy of a choice. You can think your life is good, but you may be required to let it get rough TO head in the right direction...

Monday, March 03, 2008

Making Lemonade

And the two will become one flesh, so they are no longer two, but one. Mark 10:8

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

I'm thankful for my wife that I love so much.
I'm thankful for my family that I know I can count on when I need them.
I'm thankful for my friends that will do anything for me.
I'm thankful for my kids that just love me and trust me.
I'm thankful for a loving and forgiving church.
I'm thankful for a Savior that died for our sins and blessed me with all that these things, and I'm thankful that when we hand him our lives, he makes lemonade out of the lemons we've squeezed into it...

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28