Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Secondhand Relationships

There are things that everyone needs: direction, purpose, hope, etc.And there are things that different people need based on their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses: support, encouragement, a plan, a shoulder to cry on, a kick in the rear, etc.

God knows us better than anyone. I love my wife, and she amazes me at times with how she knows me and what I need when...even when I don't even know. But, there is only one person that is going to be right about that 100% of the time, and that's God. And He will provide it when we ask for it and when its time for us to need it.

If that's true, then why are there so many people out there without direction and purpose and in need of support and such?...even those that know God? Well, what kind of relationship do they have with him? Is it a personal relationship where they talk to him everyday, or is it a secondhand relationship where they here about him from other people? God can speak to us directly thru other people, don't get me wrong, but if our entire relationship with him is based on what we get from others, we won't ever get what we need. God cannot work in our lives as a "friend of a friend"...he needs to be your friend. Our relationship with him cannot simply be based on listening to preaching, teaching, and what others say about him. It cannot be just about what we've learned about him in the past or past times we were close to him. It is about what time did you have with him face-to-face today, this week.

If your needs are now...and they are...then the time with God, the relationship, needs to be now. If your needs are personal and specific to you...and they are...then the relationship you have needs to be personal and specific to you.

This blog is to me, but if helps you, then that's cool too...