Thursday, October 18, 2007


Well, it's time to get ready for basketball. This is going to be a pretty busy season as well. I'll be coaching Alisha's 4th grade Lady Cats team and Drew's 2nd grade Wildcats team. The Lady Cats are coming off of an undefeated season and back-to-back championships. The Wildcats played their first season together at the Y last year and finished 8-1 for first place.

This season will be pretty busy because I'm going to be reffing as help Bryan out and grab a little vacation money for this summer. I'll probably be riding in with him early on Saturdays and reffing until time to coach my two teams later in the day. Well, at least my teams know they won't have any early games!

...time to work with Drew on his wicked crossover...the only move I have to pass on!


Summer said...

I would love to come give Drew some tips on the 3-point shot, or my signature behind the back shake and bake layup. Defense is key though and I got defense skillz you ain't never seen the likes of. Or I could just let him try on my state championship ring. you know whatevah lol

Unknown said...

yeah...ur my hero...i'm a hardware-less has-been

Summer said...

I sense a tad bit of sarcasm. whatevah. and im sure you still got some moves. dont be scurred. yeah, im callin bs on the has-been

Unknown said...

actually, it was no's my athletic scoop: i moved around a lot and was in a different school nearly every year. my dad has nothing...and i mean do with sports. i was a very late bloomer--7th grade. i'm talkin in third grade i played baseball and hit the ball...HIT the ball...once, and it went straight to the pitcher and he caught it. yeah, i was the right fielder when i actually got in the game. from kindergarten to 6th, i played 2 years of soccer, 2 of baseball, and 2 of basketball (and they were 5th and 6th grade and i was like the worst one on the team).

by the time i developed my coordination in 7th grade, i was in a private school with no sports. then, changed to a public school for 8th and had 2 serious bouts of mono that knocked me out of everything that year other than a little bit of PE where i ran a 4:57 mile (that is pretty impressive, but a bleak light in my athletic achievements). played freshman basketball, but i was about 13th out of 30 in a 5a a uniform, but that was about it, and i didn't play my sophomore year. i moved to bellevue and played 2 years of varisty, but i was very, very raw. and that's it. i don't feel sorry for myself or anything, i'm just saying that i never had much skill or much chance to get it...i really can't shoot well and my only skills were my speed (yeah, and thats gone), my passing (developed from dishing to "the borthers" on the playground), a cross-over (that i didn't even know i had until someone pointed it out to me), and i could dunk (which was impressive at 5'10" and white, but never earned me anything). we didn't make the playoffs my junior year and lost in the first round of my senior year, so no hardware other than some church league trophies laying around here those so weren't about me! and, the only time i've even had football pads on was for a week of practice in 8th grade before the mono hit.

now, that said, i'm not whining, just saying that no, i really don't have any ego about what i was in sports. but i do think it has a big part in why the teams i coach are so good. my best players are going to be as good as their best players, and that's a wash. but, i coach the other players too, and i find a way for every person to contribute and expect them all to get better. i see coaches ignore their weaker players and never tell them what they do wrong or try to put them in a position that helps the team, so it's those players that win me games. and who knows, some may drop out of sports but maybe one or more of them will be a late bloomer and already have been coached right so they aren't so raw like i was. so, yes, i'm impressed by the hardware!