Monday, May 14, 2007

the weekend of nothing

well, just had a great weekend that sounds like totally nothing and boring when told or written out...but idc. i spent a total of about 14 hours driving, walked a dirt track behind a jewelry store and later by a river, went to the library and saw some guy looking up porn in front of everybody, watched a girlie movie i've seen more than once already. played Guitar Hero 1 & 2 and developed a strange uncontrollable twitch in my finger, worked out a little, ate wayyy too much, and met george washington. yeah, but i had the best company you can imagine who provided great conversation and fun, who bought me new clothes and a new watch, and who made me feel like i was the most important person in the world! anyway, i've got nothing profound...just wanted to share that.


ishadohn said...

well...if you wanna know the truth? Sounds like a great weekend to me?!
haha and who was that company cause they sound like they are totally awesome I mean who can you do nothing with and still have the best time with???? lol Sounds like you guys are just too cute?!
....and BWT you left out the River walk and people watching lol ????? thanks for the great weekend and love you!