Monday, May 21, 2007


ever notice how so many elementary age kids will pour their energy into trying to be friends with certain people (usually popular kids) and get very little in return? yeah...usually, they get "crapped" on in return, but yet they continue to pour that energy into it instead of just giving up and moving on to a relationship that has a more balanced give-and-take. yeah, if you were one of those kids or saw others doing it, you can't help but think, "man, if i could just do that over, i'd so blow those people off and find friends that aren't so self-centered and 'taking'." well, the truth is, as adults we do the same thing, and i have no idea why. we can get "crapped" on by the same people over and over, yet we continue to go out of our way to seek their approval and make them happy. why do we do it? why can't we just decide it isn't worth it and do things for people that care? why can't we just put ourselves out for people that would do the same for us if we needed it? instead, we go out of our way and put ourselves out for people that will never acknowledge it. we give up time, money, and sometimes things that are very important to us (and not necessarily to them). yet, it only makes them expect more and more from us to keep them happy, and then they will complain about the one thing you don't do for them sometime. where do they even learn to live like the world revolves around their problems are worse than anyone else's, to believe they are the most important person to themselves and you, and actually get you to act like it too? just shows how easily manipulated we are!


Summer said...

whoa....sounds like someone has some serious rage going on, and I ain't talking 'bout the good you know the best way to avoid being manipulated is to build a wall around yourself that is not easily penetrated. Works quite well for me! lol But seriously, Rage against the crapping!

Unknown said...

that can work sometimes, and sometimes it's sort of job-related...roger's been here 18 years and i've been here 10 1/2, and the only way you get that kind of longevity in ministry is let yourself get taken advantage of a lot...that's the price you pay, but it don't make it taste any better.