Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer request

Just an update on my grandparents for those that have been asking:

My papa (dad's dad) has finished up his chemo and radiation. He was told that the mass in his lung has shrunk and the collapsed part of the lung is opening back up. They say that the treatments work for about 6 weeks after they are complete, so they will wait a while before checking him again to see how it is all doing. He has always been as a healthy as anyone I know other than now his fourth round of cancer (removed part of colon, removed kidney, and chemo for a third cancerous tumor all prior to this). My grandmother is just busy taking care of him...which it's more work to make him not do stuff than it would be for her to just do it...

My granny (mom's mom) is have bypass surgery in Dallas on Wednesday, and I'll be heading down early for that. She was found to have a 90%, 95%, and a 100% blockage. The tricky part is that they only found one usuable vein in her leg, so they are going to have to cut into arm and maybe even behind her chest to find more. She will be there for about 10 days and then to a rehab hospital in Wichita.

Thanks for your prayers.