Tuesday, December 04, 2007

People Watchin'

Is there any better activity than a good time of people-watching? Now, I'm not just talking about sitting around and making fun of people. It's still probably a wrong thing to do, but it's just a simple time of watching people and their interaction with each other...their expressions, demeanor, appearance, etc. Yes, basically making assumptions based on stereotypes. I mean, it obviously can't hurt anything if you have no interaction with them. And fun.

Well, we had another good time of it this weekend as we were in San Antonio for a conference. There were the workout junkies in the workout room with us, the couples who had begun to look alike, the kid-grandparent combinations shopping together, the drunks at the riverwalk, the preacher standing on a step-ladder screaming at everyone at the Alamo, and engaged couples section where the girls were obviously holding various opinions they had until after the wedding and the guys were in major "good impression" mode.

Did we have to go all the way to San Antonio for that? Absolutely not. Some of the best people watching can take place by going having a seat at your local Wal-mart establishment! I've even made a Wal-mart bingo card before with things such as fanny packs, houseshoes, little skinny guy/big wife combos, 2 inch or more hair roots showing, strappy sandals, socks & sandals, etc. Yeah, call me It's just a game! I'm sure there's something about me on someone else's list, and that's cool with me!