Friday, December 21, 2007


I'm haunted by my mind
The thoughts that I cannot flee
Everywhere I go or turn
They follow me...taunt me

It's a bridge that can't be crossed
An item that can't be bought
It's stairs that can't be climbed
These thoughts that haunt my mind

How do you fight what you cannot see?
How do you silence what you cannot hear?
What can stop this pain I feel?
What can dry up all the tears?

God reaches out and calls my name
To come to him and leave the other
But isn't it a trap just the same
To leave one master for another?

Ah, I am not trapped here with them
These thoughts that are haunting me
God remove me from these demons
Because in your arms is where I am free


This just came to me in an e-mail forward from someone I don't even know. Thought I'd pass it on as this is the time of year...with family, financial pressures, new year new beginning plans, etc., that our thoughts can be destructive. Once we belong to God, thoughts cannot hurt us unless we let them control us and get out of His arms.

Not your typical holiday sentiment, but Merry Christmas and hoping your joy is much deeper than the smile on your face in front of the family!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cowboys Week 15

Ok, the Cowboys are definitely "sputtering" at the wrong time of year. The barely got by the Lions and now got beat by the Eagles. Although I've said all along that the NFC is nearly impossible to sweep, I hated to this loss come at this time at home.

This week has already struck panic with everyone. Is TO going to blow up? Is this loss Jessica's fault? Is Romo's thumb ok? Well, maybe, no, and I hope not. Yes, I'd like to see Romo focused on football right now. He broke things off with Carrie Underwood saying he needed to focus on football. Was it football of the new contract? Because, once he got the contract, he was off to see Britney and now obviously running with Jessica. Hey, Romo! Football is still going on...and you've accomplished and won nothing yet!

Now, can we be done with E! and get to ESPN?

Roy, oh Roy! Roy is out of Saturday's game with a suspension for his trademark, yet illegal, horse-collar tackle of Donovan McNabb. So, hopefully we'll get better coverage of the slot guys and the tight ends. The D-line looked really good against the Eagles and contained McNabb well. The defense essentially gave up 17 points, but it only shows 10 thanks to Westbrooks fall down at the 1 (much to the demise of many fantasy football owners). I think its time to allow the true Cowboy stud to carry us into the playoffs and secure home field advantage...that player is not even a starter--Marion Barber.

Stat of the Week: The Cowboys had 11 Pro Bowlers named this week - TO, Witten, Flozell, Gurode, Ware, Davis, Folk are starters with Romo, Barber, Hamlin, and Newman as backups...again, that's Marion Barber...the "backup RB for the Cowboys makes the Pro Bowl!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Being Disappointed

I've decided I'm ready to set myself up for a little more disappointment. Sounds stupid? I know, but hear me out. Things in life have made me very cynical. I've become a person that expects the worse from people. The benefit to me was that I'm never disappointed in people because I was always prepared for the worst. The problem is that it also makes you very unhappy with people and somewhat isolated. I've wanted to live on an island with one ferry in and major security checks before anyone can enter my island.

I was watching a TV show the other night where the main character is a real jerk to everyone all the time. He always expected the worst from people and never gave anyone the benefit of the doubt. However, he was very good at his job and that was his appeal to people. I realized that, if not for that talent, he would have no friends at all and be very miserable. Someone finally said to him, "I would rather go through life expecting good from people and being disappointed every once in a while than to just always expect the worst."

The Bible is clear and I've posted on it before, a person that keeps friendships and close relationships with fools will suffer because those fools will use them and burn them for their benefit. And fools who have nothing to lose are the scariest because I have worked hard and God has blessed me with so much that I could lose. I know who those people are, and my feelings there won't change. But, I don't want to go through life assuming everyone else I meet is on that list until they prove to me they're not. I want to go through life assuming they're good until they prove they are the fools the Bible is talking about. I want to enjoy people and life and assume they're good...and maybe be disappointed every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Patriots Have Sold Their Soul

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. 1 John 2:18

The Patriots have sold their soul to the devil. Their dominance is the work of evil forces led by the antichrist, Bill Belichick. He dominates under the name of teamwork, but people know there is more at work here although they just can't put their finger on it. The competition was was already brewing as the Patriots replaces their fanchise QB with a 6th round pick I refer to as the beast who was not allowed to adorn his true number because of NFL uniform reguations, but we know what number that is.

And what about the state of Massachusetts as a whole? They legalize same sex marriage and then the Red Sox win a World Series ending the curse of Babe Ruth and going on to win another World Series this season. Now the Celtics, once winners of championship after championship aquire KG and Ray Allen (who played a college basketball prospect named Jesus in a trashy movie) and are rolling in the NBA.

Sure, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry's run for president fell short as did his former Massachusetts politician Michael Dukakis, but why do we assume that the antichrist will enter into power through politics? What do you think the ratio of voters is to sports fans? Watch for Belichick's power to grow as the NFL continues to seek to go global even pushing for a Super Bowl in London. The end times could be coming through the billion dollar sports industries. The love of sports is a common thread across all of the world. Why do you think there were no planes crashed into stadiums and arenas? And guess what team played in and won the Super Bowl after 9/11? Yes, the Patriots!

ok...just a theory based on the evidence listed and amplified by my hatred of the Patriots. ...Did I mention I hate the Patriots?

Cowboys Week 14

Not much to say on this week. Barber looked great and I have to say that I'm satisfied with the role that he and Julius play together with the acception that Garrett needs to descretely put Barber back in on certain key situations such as when they go for it on 4th and 1 or drives that are important because they are behind.

The biggest issue with the game is the lack of getting TO the ball. He finishes with just 3 catches for 21 yds in a game they nearly lost. Perhaps they wouldn't have been behind if they had gotten him the ball more.

You can't deny one thing though...the Patriots found a way to beat the Ravens and the Cowboys found a way to beat the Lions, so a win is a win...I just hope we can get better play from our defense before the playoffs hit. We are putting a lot of pressure on Romo continually giving up over 20 points a game.

Stats of the week: Romo 35/44...his completion percentage is the one of the most important things we need from Romo...he's well into the 60s, but this will be the only single season passing record he won't break as Aikman had an over 69% on the books. Witten 15 catches for 138 yds...Witten and TO - who ya gonna cover?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

People Watchin'

Is there any better activity than a good time of people-watching? Now, I'm not just talking about sitting around and making fun of people. It's still probably a wrong thing to do, but it's just a simple time of watching people and their interaction with each other...their expressions, demeanor, appearance, etc. Yes, basically making assumptions based on stereotypes. I mean, it obviously can't hurt anything if you have no interaction with them. And fun.

Well, we had another good time of it this weekend as we were in San Antonio for a conference. There were the workout junkies in the workout room with us, the couples who had begun to look alike, the kid-grandparent combinations shopping together, the drunks at the riverwalk, the preacher standing on a step-ladder screaming at everyone at the Alamo, and engaged couples section where the girls were obviously holding various opinions they had until after the wedding and the guys were in major "good impression" mode.

Did we have to go all the way to San Antonio for that? Absolutely not. Some of the best people watching can take place by going having a seat at your local Wal-mart establishment! I've even made a Wal-mart bingo card before with things such as fanny packs, houseshoes, little skinny guy/big wife combos, 2 inch or more hair roots showing, strappy sandals, socks & sandals, etc. Yeah, call me It's just a game! I'm sure there's something about me on someone else's list, and that's cool with me!

Cowboys Week 13

Well, this was an exciting game indeed. Brett Favre came out like the old Favre and went to slinging, and it hurt the Pack early. I would like to have seen the Cowboys defense hold them better because they are going to need to play better defense to make it through the playoffs, but a win is a win...just ask the Patriots. Romo still had some improve, but he has held in check for only 2 carries of just -1 yard each, but he was able to beat them with his arm. I swear it seemed like Barber just wasn't getting the ball enough, but he ended the night with nearly twice as many carries as Julius (17 to 9). However, it has to stick out in people's minds that Julius was in the game and was used on a 4th and 1 that didn't make it.

Owens has a signature game of late and Crayton had some clutch catches with 2 TDs. I was just impressed with another big win in another big game. As the Patriots continue to win, it looks more and more like they are beatable. How sweet it would be for the '72 dolphins to see the Patriots go undefeated in the regular season and then lose in the playoffs...possible in the Super Bowl to the Cowboys.

Stat of the week: I hear it costs as much as $16,000 just to buy the right to purchase season tickets for the new stadium!!! And, I have to say I believe the Cowboy fans are loyal and biggest in number, but I'm not sure home field advantage will mean as much to us as it would to teams like Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Green Bay, and other crazy fan cities.