Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ok, we leave for vacation Tuesday, and I can't wait! Of course, one thing on the to-do list before vacation is the same as most people, lose a little weight. Unfortunately, I waited until Sunday to start, but I have managed to lose 8.5 lbs so far. I call it my water-weight. But due to bathroom factors, Isha calls it something else.

Anyway, my new thing is to buy one banana at a time. Yes, at first it feels a little weird to walk to the counter with just one banana, but you get used to it. It is much better for you than the normal-feeling purchase of a candy bar, and there are several benefits. It isn't the best fruit for you--I think I've read that watermelon is, but it is better than that candy bar or chips. They are pretty filling. They have a good burp to them. (You know, like roast or brisket make s good meal, but no-so-good of a burp.) Banana burbs taste almost the same as they did going in. Also, if you are in your car, you can leave the peel in for no more than one day, and it gives your vehicle the aroma of banana. And, even at Ooodle in Archer City where things tend to be a little high priced, you can pick off the largest banana you see and pay about .35 versus the .99 or more for candy. Finally, it will make you diet beverage taste banana-eee. We all know what happens when you mix candy and soda. The sweetness of your candy makes the soda taste like carbonated water.

So, bravely walk into your local grocer, pick up a single banana and your favorite beverage and proudly walk up to the register as they may snicker or make a comment of your one-banana purchase, but know you are making the right decision.


Jennifer said...

why not purchase two bananas, one for the next day so you don't have to go back??? And yes, I know what you mean about the banana-ee smell. I love to open my trash can lid and smell banana after I have thrown the peel in. Oh, and how disgusting that you have lost that much weight in a week. Quit blaming it all on water just to make the girls feel good about themselves...we arent' that naive.

Wendy said...

I second everything Jennifer said. And you crack me up on so many levels!

Gwynie Pie said...

Okay, don't know where I've been, but just found your blog today and also Ishadohn's and Scott's. Love it!! All of it!! Good reading about everyone's lives, family's and such. You have a beautiful wife and darlin' kids. Come visit me sometime if you want --