Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unsafe People

Just ordered a recommended read entitled Unsafe People, and randomly researched some blogs on the subject. Although not all experts, it seems that people most often discussing this subject are usually people that have been abused, hurt, or used by an unsafe person...perhaps several times before they realized it and took control and realized what they needed to do to identify and avoid such unsafe people. Of about a dozen blogs that I read, here are the characterstics that showed up in at least half of them. There are obvious things that show up once it's too late and you're into the relationship, but these are signs to identify them before you get too close:

>Their lives revolve around themselves and everything is about them.

>They are extremists - everything is either great or horrible because they always want praise or help.

>They are gossips and secretly take pleasure in other people's pain.

>They have advanced manipulation tactics that you see them use on others, and eventually on you.

>They don't trust other people or their motives because their own are so often unpure.

>They don't own up to their mistakes...they will deny, lie, and hide them to the very end.

>You could see them in that same role as a high schooler...because unsafe people have never grown up.

>They will not do for you the things they want you to do for them. They can even disguise this by quickly to giving you 'tokens' that you yourself need in life that don't compare to what they are asking of you.

>They do not love and appreciate your family and other friends and the importance of them to you. They are jealous of other people you are close to or are friends with--including your own family.

Anyway...just interesting reads from people that have apparently gone through a lot in life, but hopefully are on the right track...some were obviously Christians and some did not appear to be. The world is not a safe place for us, and it is so important to find those safe havens and people in the midst of it all.