Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Is God in Control?

Sometimes you think you see the light at the end of tunnel, but you can always get to the end of the tunnel and find that light to be a hole too small to fit thru...

We always like to say that God is in control. But hasn't he chosen to not be in control? I mean, we talk about how we have to give him control for everything to get better, so if we don't, he isn't in control, right? Of course, I mean he isn't in control by his choice because he can take control at any time. I know he can take it any time, but we know for the most part he wants us to give it to him before he will really step in and have that control and take care of us and our messy lives. What about the complication of other people involved? If other people directly affect you, and you give God control but they don't, how can he really have that control in your life when their actions affect you and he won't normally 'take' control of them if it isn't given to him? What if people we affect give God control and we don't? Isn't our controlling ourselves going to affect part of their life in spite of them giving God control?


Summer said...

In the end, we only answer to God for ourselves and whether we submitted to Him and gave Him the control to work in our personal lives. He sees us as individuals and not based on the "ifs" of what other people are doing. But, I think we really have to ponder how much we are truly giving up our own control to ourselves and those around us. A lot of times we say we are letting God when we really are not. Maintain the God-focus, regardless...don't have a "mangled-face" mentality....Keep reaching for that Light no matter how small it may seem.

Unknown said...

Well, I don't guess I really question the end (facing God and being accountable for only our own actions). I mean Job got the rug pulled out from under him and God owes us no explanation for that, so no one can expect anything less. We can only play with the cards we are dealt, but where's the balance between giving God control and what those cards are? Job giving God control seemed to have no bearing on the cards he was dealt. So, are we setting ourselves up for disappointment when we give God control and have expectations based on that?

Unknown said...

Of course as I read what I posted and ponder it, I guess I wonder if there's anything Job could have done to not lose all he had...because it would make you want to "curse God and die," but maybe he mourned over the loss, but realized it never belonged to him to begin with...but nonetheless, if he saw it coming, I think he would have tried to stop it...questioning what he should do, the hows, and if throwing himself at God's mecry would have made a difference...

D-Siz said...

About two years ago I wondered some very similar concepts. I related human creation (life-in-general) to the wood/marble game labyrinth. What was and is God’s role in that marble making it (or not making it) to the end? We know He created the game. We know He created the rules for the game. As part of those rules, the wrong move has consequences… but exactly how much does God have his hands on the two knobs?

I’d venture to guess that Adam was wondering the same thing when Eve picked the now-infamous fruit. God wasn’t exactly in control of that moment. We know it wasn’t His will nor His choice, yet because of His holiness He had to remove Himself from the newly fallen world.

So if a perfect Adam can’t depend on God to be “in control” over the only other person on earth, a perfect Eve, can we really expect different results ~6k+ years later?

So how then do we reconcile Romans 8:28 and standing at the end of that tunnel with a pinpoint of light?

I would argue faith. Faith that the light will grow larger or you will gain the wisdom to realize you are NOT at the end of the tunnel after all.

So how large is this light, exactly? Perhaps the size of a mustard seed? I read somewhere that there’s a correlation between faith and mustard seeds, but I could be wrong. ::winks::

Unknown said...

Good stuff...make more time to blog more, man...

Anonymous said...

this universe and this world are very organized as well as completely chaotic. control? what such thing is that, you can only try to ride out whatever wave your on.god? which god you choose where you live what time period your born in these are all relative. I hope god does exist but if he does what is he and how do you know him I've read the bible, I KNOW the whole bible. I do not know god. do you get to converse with god as the people in the bible did, and have such incredible miracles and encounters with him? I have seen no such things. In fact the apostle paul supposedly saw and spent many a time with god, and he was quoted as saying about god - "if i only knew him"... so at best with the most faith in god it seems preety ubscure...

so i would think no matter your faith or what have you, you should just float man. float down lifes river, bare down in the ruff spots and chill in the lazy spots. cus thats all you can do, unless you wanna fight life and then good luck. or you can hope and pray, cus they are one in the same.

Anonymous said...

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