Monday, April 28, 2008

The Critic

No where in the Bible is the "gift" of criticism shown. All spiritual gifts are commanded to be presented and used in love. All throughout the Bible, God tells how to act in love, love each other as we love ourselves, and that love is the greatest commandment. There are gifts where correction takes place - preaching, teaching, discernment, etc., but scripture holds true to the fact that all of these gifts must be expressed in love or they are not being used of God.

The truth is that God usually matches our gifts (spiritual strengths to be used for God in the body) and our talents (strengths Christians & non-Christians have that help them succeed in certain areas of life). We can easily be using our simply our talents and believe that they are spiritual gifts.

There are numerous examples. A preacher can deliver a powerful message with all the right words and emotions, but it be a result of his speaking talent rather than a spiritual gift of preaching where God provides him with the message.

I've been specifically thinking about critical people lately. We all have our critics. There is always someone that is ready to correct you, tell you what they would do or what you should do, and remind you of your mistakes and failures. many times, they try to disguise critism with a mask of wisdom, discernment, or healthy correction.

Don't let the critic get you down. There is no spiritual gift of criticism. They DO NOT always know what they would do in your shoes. They DO NOT always know what is best for you. And Godly advise does not come in the form of critism.

Lastly, don't be critical of yourself or your life's situation. For the most part, we have to accept responsibility for where we are, how we are, and where we are heading. But, review your situation with a wise, discerning, and healthy evaluating eye, and not the eye of a critic. Answer yourself and others with a response that is of the word, prayed over, and expressed in love. Be gracious to yourself and others...and respond to negatives you see with yourself and others as a gracious person and someone who doesn't deserve anything we have anyway--because we don't.

"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let you speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." - Corinthians 4:2-6


Jayy28210 said...

I know this post is old, but I'm getting caught up with your blog.

Our paster has been speaking on spiritual gifts as of late. It has been my experience that many people get hung up on spirtual gifts... to a fault. They long to find out the supernatural super-power handed directly down by God, but fail to account for fruits. You know, those Christ-like traits we acquire on our journey to become more like him.
I've seen on more than one occasion where Christians will use their gifts, or lack thereof as a crutch. "I don't have the gift of giving, therefore it's not my calling to give to this buildign fund" OR "My gift is teaching, not mercy/compassion. I'm not a counselor" Essentually saying, I can teach you of the love of Christ, but he hasn't "gifted me" to show it.

D-Siz said...

oops, was logged in as Caleb


D-Siz said...

Ok, one more post and I'll shut up. I don't want to come across as one who thinks too lightly of spiritual gifts.
I just wonder if our focus is a little skewed sometimes.
I wonder if the 1st Century church had spirtual gift surveys. Surely they did, I mean they were the most effective at changing the world around them. If not, how in the world did they function as a body?
I know, sarcasm isn't the answer (and can even come across as critical - kinda the point of the post). But really, does a hand have to be told that it's a hand? or does a foot have to take a survey to realize it's a foot? It is my firm belief that as one gets closer to Christ and producing the fruits as a bi-product, the Holy Spirit will supernaturally place desires on your heart on how you can make a difference in your community... i.e. your part in the Body of Christ.
I think surveys have a tendency to do as you mentioned, look at our talents to place us in the Body, short circuiting the pesky "Become Like Christ" step.