Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Patriots Have Sold Their Soul

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. 1 John 2:18

The Patriots have sold their soul to the devil. Their dominance is the work of evil forces led by the antichrist, Bill Belichick. He dominates under the name of teamwork, but people know there is more at work here although they just can't put their finger on it. The competition was was already brewing as the Patriots replaces their fanchise QB with a 6th round pick I refer to as the beast who was not allowed to adorn his true number because of NFL uniform reguations, but we know what number that is.

And what about the state of Massachusetts as a whole? They legalize same sex marriage and then the Red Sox win a World Series ending the curse of Babe Ruth and going on to win another World Series this season. Now the Celtics, once winners of championship after championship aquire KG and Ray Allen (who played a college basketball prospect named Jesus in a trashy movie) and are rolling in the NBA.

Sure, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry's run for president fell short as did his former Massachusetts politician Michael Dukakis, but why do we assume that the antichrist will enter into power through politics? What do you think the ratio of voters is to sports fans? Watch for Belichick's power to grow as the NFL continues to seek to go global even pushing for a Super Bowl in London. The end times could be coming through the billion dollar sports industries. The love of sports is a common thread across all of the world. Why do you think there were no planes crashed into stadiums and arenas? And guess what team played in and won the Super Bowl after 9/11? Yes, the Patriots!

ok...just a theory based on the evidence listed and amplified by my hatred of the Patriots. ...Did I mention I hate the Patriots?


ishadohn said...

Ok Seriously when you said that last night just out of the blue I couldn't stop laughing. Nice Scott really nice. LOL

Unknown said...

Oh, and Brady has 11 games with 3 or TDs including one 6 TD game...that shows his scoring line to show 666 12 different times...go figure