Monday, September 03, 2007

be a quitter

There is nothing more selfish than self pity. There is nothing more dangerous than to surround yourself with "whoa is me!" people. I'm sorry and I know am in this position to serve the needy, but i get really tired of people that feel sorry for themselves and their goal is to make others feel sorry for them too, so they can feel justified in their feelings and lack of motivation. for those who get discouraged all the time and want to quit, here's a quit list for you:
1. Quit looking at successful people and assuming the only difference in you and them is that they caught all the breaks. Most of them made the breaks happen.
2. Quit wanting to be something you're not and can't be. Contrary to the saying, you can't do anything you put your mind to, so start figuring out what you are capable of doing and do that.
3. Quit wanting what other people have. You can have what they have and that still does not make you them.
4. Quit looking for the easy way. God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden and said the easy way is gone.
5. Quit smoking, drinking, and any drugs you might do. Yeah, it's just pretty much stupid and costs a lot of money.
6. Quit wasting. Don't waste money. Don't waste time. Don't waste energy. Don't waste talent. Don't waste opportunities. And, don't waste those same things that belong to other people...that's even worse.
7. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. You live in America. You have a better chance of a good life than anyone in the world.
8. Quit hurting other people to make yourself feel better. God is watching and what goes around, comes around. There is no success in that path.
9. Quit cycling. Success is measured by where you are now compared to where you were. If you let yourself go in circles, you'll never get anywhere.
10. And other than this list, quit quitting. Everyone has failures. Some people just look like everything they do succeeds but it looks like that because they didn't quit in the past.
But seriously, there is one sure way to fail...quit on God because nothing you achieve outside of him will ever mean anything. He owns us, and if you have anything that he doesn't own, then you don't really have it. Does he own your possessions? Does he own your friends? Does he own your marriage? Does he own your kids? So quit trying stuff without him and wondering why you fail...