Tuesday, May 08, 2007


ever feel the need to post something even though the creativity doesn't seem to be flowing? yeah, well, that's the case for me right now. i just want to thank the friends that i have around me for being there for me...beginning with my best friend, my wife, isha. i'm told i'm not an easy person to read or get close to. and actually, odds are that most people that know i consider them to be a friend, are higher on my friend list than they think because of that. there is simply only a handful that i really open up to, and usually even then, its out of desperation as a last resort. anyway, everything's great with my life right now. i do feel "bruised" from God workin me over, but that is only for the better. i feel stronger everyday, and i know a lot of that is due to friends saying, 'you have to let God have it'.

i know God has blessed me with the most beautiful wife that is perfect for me, and i only hope i continue to grow to be more and more the husband she needs. my kids challenge me everyday, but i see them outgrowing and overcoming traits that cursed me for years longer than them. God has priviledged me to have a job where i'm paid to do ministry and can even have the extra time to be a better husband and dad when i need it.

i met my grandparents for coffee yesterday, and they told me for the nth time how proud they are of me. they paid for my college, and say that they've spent less on me than any other kid or grandkid, but i did the most with it and it's an investment they are most proud of and that i'm the only one that doesn't come to them for money ever or with problems. i'm thankful they paid for it, and i'm thankful i'm surrounded by people that help me a little here and there with problems and that God has blessed us to not need financial help--not that we make that much. i attribute our financial situation to one thing (aside from God)--a relationship with my wife where we agree on every purchase and have the same financial goals for the future.

anyway, just taking a break from all the analyzations, assumptions, and worries to be thankful for my friends and family and blessings.


ishadohn said...

I am so glad to see you in the state of mind that you are in at the moment! We all need to take time out to be thankful for everything we are blessed with....and BTW I'm the one who is so blessed! Thank you for your friendship and love! I really had no idea that we could have such a wonderful relationship! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father! OH and Happy early Annv.!!!!
Wow 11 years??! I think we have sort of "grown up together" and what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger right?

Unknown said...

here's hopin it isn't just a "moment"! love ya!