Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bathroom battleground

I have discovered that I have slowly and discretely been losing ground in the war of bathroom space that I didn't know I was involved in. I'm sure there is a name for that type of battle strategy where you slowly take ground without the other person even knowing the battle is going on. When we moved in, I had my closet, the smallest of the 3 drawers and about half of one of the bigger drawers. I had my sink and a legitimate amount of space around my sink (the entire counter is about 7' and has a sink on each end).

As of today, I have the 3 inches to the left of my sink and none of the 4' or so between the sinks. Isha's sink has become the storage for her flat iron and curling iron (for which I know not why you would need both), so she has hers and shares mine for water and drain purposes. My small drawer is now being shared as her toothbrush and floss and a few other things have made their way into it. My space in the one of the bigger drawers had been narrowed to a small container with glasses and contact stuff. I discovered this morning that the contents of that container have been placed in my small drawer and is now full of makeup stuff. I have lost about 6" in my closet as well as all suit case declared as joint property have made way to the top of my closet, but I'm regrouping and re-enforcing to hold the line there.

I have no opportunity to regain occupied territory because when everything is put away, that is my nonverbal signal to clean the bathroom which does not pass inspection with any of my stuff on the counter in normally occupied territory.

I may have to put a small sink and mirror in my closet before too long! Wait...forget that...I don't want to give the enemy any ideas.