Monday, June 25, 2007

bachin' it

yep, i'm bachin it this week...although that it is bachin' it as a single parent of two, so not nearly as fun. i don't have much insight on anything for now. i've been teaching our adult 1 SS class this month as our teacher moved to Wichita and is finding a church there. We have a replacement, but i'm assuming he'll start in August as he and his wife are finishing up a children's ministry they are involved in.

also, i am working on a new program for Wendesday nites for children in 1st-6th grade. yes, after years and years, we are stepping out and dropping RAs and GAs. it only makes since though. there were several problems with the RA and GA material and programs. it was not the workers though. we have a great group of workers in that area that have grown the program in numbers. however, the true material of RAs is like Boy Scouts, and it is practically impossible for new kids or "hit and miss" kids to get in the swing of it because some guys would be so far ahead all the time. I like doing ministry with a "Law & Order" angle where each week is good, but it begins and ends, and you can jump in the next week without missing anything. We are going to do what we call 'G-TIME' which stands for God Time - Guy Time - Girl Time. We are going to meet in the sanctuary altogether for a time of worship (God Time) that Isha and I are in charge of for the first 30 minutes, and then they will go to Guy Time - Girl Time which will be similar to their classes now for the last 30 minutes where they will have options of using the gym, playing outside, working on mission projects, etc. i'm very excited and can't wait till we kick it off when school starts.

anyway, just feeling excited about some things at work...

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Isha and I went to a concert last nite that included Stephen Speaks, Nevertheless, Everday Sunday, and Seventh Day Slumber. I need to throw out some cheers and jeers on the event:

1. to the large dude in all black with long black hair that came and sat next to me, cheers for not murdering me by shoving a jagged sirenge in my neck, but jeers that you made me move and cleared out the entire section by making out with your woman.

2. to the drummer of Nevertheless that was fat and in his forties, hairy with a black tank on, and long curly black hair and a beard, cheers for not conforming to the skinny, tight shirt, girl jeans, long punk bangs look of the other members. keeping being your own man.

3. jeers to the bouncer guys that looked like they should be picking up trash on the side of the road in orange jumpsuits and shackles...very scary.

4. jeers to the girl next to me that heard the lead singer say, "this song is about getting hurt and then closing yourself up to the world" and proclaimed that "this song si so about me"...if you were closing yourself up to the world, you would not be saying that you're closing yourself up to the world.

5. jeers to the smell in there.

6. cheers to those that didn't fit into the three major groups represented: the church kids, the rockers, and the old rockers...yeah, we didn't fit, so cheers to

7. jeers to the church girls that stood in the back with their arms crossed grinning the whole time because they didn't know what else to do...we know you went home and blogged that you went crazy at the concert.

8. jeers to the skimpy-dressed women in the place that wanted me to lust cause it didn't work...i was with the hottest girl in the room and she was simply wearing jeans and a t-shirt...except at that remote parking lot.

9. cheers to the bands for making me "better off rock'd"!